Gabriel Boscana is the founder of Máquina Coffee Roasters (@maquinacoffeeroasters) located in Coatesville, PA. When I first reached out to Máquina, I was hoping for a virtual coffee to ask questions like “How did you get started in the profession of coffee?” and “What led you to having your own coffee company?” Gabriel invited me to spend a Friday morning at Máquina, to connect with coffee and to experience the process of roasting.
This is a preview of moments captured that day, joined together for a documentary project that I’m developing, on small business owners in specialty coffee. The Green and The Machine, as a working title for the project, is inspired by a quote from our conversation that day, “…you sort of learn both things, the green and the machine, and then you sort of coax them to work together without being heavy handed. That’s my philosophy in roasting.”